Hollywood has been infatuated with Harry Potter for years now, producing movies, TV shows, comics and video games to the extent that the public has almost come to expect it. However not all people are able to read English or understand its nuances well enough to enjoy it. The film rights were secured in India in 2009 and after a long period of waiting the Hindi dub of “Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 1” was finally released on November 3rd 2012. Following its release there was an influx of requests online asking where people could download this movie so they could watch it offline, but sadly there is no official answer as yet. The movie had over 6.5 million views on the day of its release, and is simply yet another testament to its success. I would like to thank you all for reading this article and I hope that it helps someone watching this flick on the big screen but wanting to watch it later without paying for it. The official website of “Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 1” is www.harrypotterindia.com which has has numerous downloads, but all are in English or Hindi, so where can one download this movie in their native language? There are many pirated streams on the internet but I will not recommend any of these because they are illegal and may get you into trouble with the police. If you are interested in watching this movie but not able to afford the ticket then I would prefer you do it legally and buy a DVD, as such services as Mininova, Torrentz and others are not only illegal but will also catch up to you eventually. I hope that this article has been helpful and if so please check out my blog for more information on upcoming films. Thank you, goodbye. Disclaimer: The above content reflect author’s personal views and do not reflect the views of OYEWIKI. Neither OYEWIKI nor any person/organisation acting on its behalf is liable to accept any legal liability/responsibility for any error/mislead in this information or any information available on the website. This website in no way accepts the responsibility for any loss, injury, damage, discomfort or inconvenience caused as a result of reliance on any information provided on this website. If you want to add more comments to the article or you see any thing incorrect please write a comment below and we will surely get back to you. Image Courtesy: Google Images Related articles across the web Title:download harry potter and the deathly hallows part 1 in hindi 720p|cite web|url=http://www.moviezadda.com/2013/02/harry-potter-and-the-deathly-hallows-part.html|title= Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 1 Full Hindi Dubbed Movie Download|author=ShawonMohammed|date=14 February 2013|publisher=MoviezAdda.com}} title=Harry Potter Wiki |url=https://hogwartsrealm.
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